I Broke My Patient’s Skull. Tales of a Homecare Physical Therapist.

I know the title sounds ominous but this is truly a great story if you can just stay with me.  This falls into the category of "you just can't make this stuff up." I love it when patients get personal with me.  I love asking about their lives and having them share pieces of themselves.  … Continue reading I Broke My Patient’s Skull. Tales of a Homecare Physical Therapist.

Mom! I’m boooooored!!

Hey!  Great news!  I'm starting to get bored again. Yes, like actual bored! Like looking for an activity to do or someone to be around.  Now, this may only be for a passing moment.  But it's starting. Since I left work I can see my weeks plotting out in a predictable pattern. Monday and Tuesday will … Continue reading Mom! I’m boooooored!!